A 20-Week Group Coaching & Mentoring Journey to Your Heart-Led Life!

Applications currently closed.

What is your heart calling you to do?

Ring Ring Your heart is calling, are you ready to answer?

Embark on a transformative 20-week online coaching and mentoring experience with me, Essi, as your guide.

In this journey, we'll let your heart take the lead, exploring the 8 elements that shape a Heartful life and unlocking the courage to pursue your true desires.

Whether you're pursuing a passion, transforming your well-being, or craving meaningful connections, this journey is a call to action. I've navigated these paths, and I'm here to guide you through yours.

What is a Heartful Life?

A Heartful Life is about living in alignment with your deepest values, embracing life passionately, and making choices that reflect your true self. It's finding harmony within and around you, leading to a fulfilling and joyful existence.

What is Heartfulness?

Heartfulness is the practice of connecting deeply with your inner self, listening to your heart's wisdom, and aligning your actions with its guidance. This fosters self-awareness, inner peace, and resilience, empowering a life driven by passion and purpose.

Who This Is For?

This program is designed for those at a crossroads or seeking deeper fulfillment in life. It's perfect for you if:

  • You're experiencing a major life change, like a career shift or relocation.

  • You're going through a breakup or a significant relationship change and seeking healing and new perspectives.

  • You feel stuck in a routine and crave a more meaningful and engaged life.

  • You're at the cusp of a new chapter, such as starting a family or entering retirement, and want to approach it with clarity and heartfulness.

  • You're looking to rediscover your passions and integrate them into your daily life.

  • You desire deeper, more authentic connections with others but aren't sure where to start.

Are you ready to listen to your heart and let it lead the way? Join me, and let your journey to a Heartful life begin. 🚀💖

Apply to the program now and let’s have an introductory call to see how this journey can serve you.

It would be my honor to guide you back to your heart center.

With gratitude,


What Is Included?

Energy Alignment Assessment and VIA Character Strengths Assessment

Discover the essence of living from your heart center with two key assessments. Begin with the Energy Alignment Assessment, created by me, to gauge your initial state and track your progress by retaking it at the program's end. Additionally, complete the VIA Character Strengths Assessment to uncover and leverage your innate strengths. This one-time assessment sets the stage for our focused session on harnessing your personal strengths.

WhatsApp Group for Shared Journey and Connection

Experience the power of community, connection, and clarity by joining our exclusive WhatsApp group.

This space is for us to stay connected and support each other between sessions, ensuring ongoing engagement and accountability.

I will be active in the group, responding to your queries and discussions during working hours on weekdays.

10 x 2-hour Group Coaching Sessions + 1-hour Integrative Closing

Embark on a transformative journey with ten 2-hour group coaching sessions, hosted through Zoom. These sessions are designed to be interactive and engaging, facilitating your personal growth in a supportive group environment. You'll be part of a small group, limited to 4-8 participants, to ensure an intimate setting where I can provide individual attention to each of you. There will also be opportunities for pair and small group work, enhancing the collaborative experience.



Start Date: Thursday, 22nd February

End Date: Thursday, 1st August

Session Details:

Frequency: A total of 11 sessions, each being a 2-hour intensive.

Schedule: We meet every two weeks on Thursday evenings.

Time: 7-9 pm GMT.

Personalised Approach:

Initial 1:1 Introduction Call: Before we start, you will have a personal introduction call with me. This is where we'll set your individual intentions and objectives for the programme.

Group Dynamics:

Size: The group will be limited to 4-8 people, ensuring an intimate and supportive environment that facilitates personal attention and meaningful interaction.

  • Thursday, 29th February 2024 - Kick-Off Session

    - Review of completed Energy Alignment Assessments focusing on your Root Chakra: physicality, health, security.

    - Exploration of health as our foundation.

    - Key Topics: Sleep and Gut Health as wellbeing pillars.

    - Establishing your Connection & Movement Practice.

    - Introducing the 'Cut a Food for 30 Days' Challenge.

  • Thursday, March 14, 2024

    • Understanding the interplay between Courage and Fear.

    • Engaging in creative exercises to meet your fear and heartful selves.

    • Identifying one courageous goal for the year and creating an action plan.

  • Thursday, March 28, 2024

    • Delving into Self-Love through Love Languages.

    • Examining the power of living from the energy of love.

    • Understanding the nuances of loneliness, aloneness, and solitude.

  • Thursday, April 11, 2024

    • The role of boundaries in healing and wellbeing.

    • Identifying personal dealbreakers.

    • Linking boundaries, love, healing, and energy.

  • Thursday, April 25, 2024

    • Embracing the release of what hinders our heartful selves.

    • Connecting with our Inner Child.

    • Connecting with Forgiveness to make space for more

  • Thursday, May 9, 2024

    • Strategies for Optimising Personal Energy.

    • Revisiting Energy Assessment Results.

    • Exploring the Chakras and their influence on resilience.

  • Thursday, May 23, 2024

    • VIA (Values in Action) Strengths Session to explore your personal strengths

    • How to tap into your strengths for your personal development

    • How strengths and enthusiasm link

    • Connecting with bravery strength and how you can action through it more.

  • Thursday, June 6, 2024

    • Cultivating resilience through boundaries, energy, and strengths.

    • Understanding and transforming defining moments.

    • Turning heartbreaks into heartfulness through power of resilience.

  • Thursday, June 20, 2024

    • Exploring the meaning of trust.

    • Assessing and healing trust in various life areas.

    • Experiencing a Spirit Guide Meditation.

  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024

    • Identifying flow and fulfilment sources.

    • Creating a Vision for a Heartful Life.

    • Defining and mapping steps towards fulfilment and heart-led goals.

    • Preparing for a Heartful Life beyond the programme.

  • Thursday Aug 1, 2024

    • Reflecting on the Heartful Journey after a month since our last session.

    • Integrating insights from each element.

    • Celebrating personal growth and transformations.

    • Planning for continued heartful living.

How this works:

  • Apply: Start by filling out the application form. This is your first step towards embarking on this journey.

  • 1:1 Introduction Call: Once your application is received, we'll arrange a personal introduction call. This is where we discuss and ensure that this programme is the right fit for you.

  • Sign Agreement and Payment: After confirming that the programme suits your needs, you will sign the coaching agreement and complete the payment for the programme fee.

  • Group Introduction and Q&A Session: Meet your fellow group members in an introductory session, scheduled for Thursday, 22nd February, from 7 to 8 pm. This session is an opportunity for introductions and to address any questions you may have.

  • Commencing Sessions: Our regular sessions will begin on Thursday, 29th February. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey! </aside>

Ready to answer your heart’s calling?

Are you prepared to take the next step? To apply, please fill out the form below. Once submitted, I will be in touch to arrange your personalised 1:1 call.

In the form, you'll find a few questions to answer. These are designed to give us a starting point for our discussion during the call. They help us explore whether this programme is the right fit for you and aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Your Investment in Yourself:


Exceptional Value: The programme fee is £777, which equates to only £77.7 per 2hour session.

“777 Angel number represents luck, intuition, introspection and inner connection, spiritual awakening and divine intervention.”

I am committed to making coaching accessible to as many people as possible. Understanding that paying the full amount upfront might not be feasible for everyone, we offer payment plans. These are designed to accommodate various financial situations, ensuring that anyone genuinely interested has the opportunity to participate.

What members are saying

Why work with me: My heart-led leaps


At 16, I went to London with a broken English. At 21, I moved from Finland to the US to pursue my American academic dream to study journalism.

At 25, after graduation, I hopped in the car to drive to the vibrant city of LA after graduating without money, job nor place to live.

In 26 I left journalism and leaped into positive psychology and coaching and moved to London.

At 30, I sang and performed onstage after being afraid of stage my whole life!

Last December, at 31, I took another leap of faith and quit my 9-5 job to live my purpose to help others to live courageously from the heart as well.

So, when it comes to courageous living following the heart, I’ve done it my entire life, and now I'm here to help you do the same.


This group experience is for you if:

  • You long for group support and togetherness from other women.

  • You want to connect with other like-minded women to learn and seek a space where training and coaching is combined.

  • You love stories and hearing other people's experiences and being inspired and learning from them.

  • You’d like to do coaching from the comfort of your home and connect with women online all over the world.

  • You love personal development, learning new and applying what you learn to your life through discussion and planned actions.

  • You believe in the power of mindfulness and journaling as self-healing practices.

The first step to living a heartful life is to connect within, but it is also through the connection with others that deeper discoveries of our inner self can be found. Without connection we cannot flourish. This program creates the space so you feel seen, heard and supported in your journey and you can rise up to become heartfully connected, courageous YOU.






  • Guided by the pillars of journaling, self-development, coaching, mentoring, and meditation, this journey is more than a program—it's a sanctuary for personal growth. Together, we navigate the intricacies of your Heartful life, drawing strength from the shared stories and diverse experiences within our group.


1-on-1 Coaching