1-on-1 Coaching

To support you reconnect with yourself through a big life transition and find more ease, peace and clarity.

What’s Included

6-10 Sessions - Weekly, Biweekly or Once a Month

When you join this program, you get access to 6-10 50-minute long 1-on-1 coaching sessions. It is proven to take minimum of 6 sessions to create sustainable change and habits.

You pick the frequency. Usually, it is recommeded to have weekly or biweekly for the first 6 sessions. We decide this together what you feel is best for you.

Once completed, usually once a month sessions can suffice to maintain progress but you choose if you want to continue to meet more frequently.

Personalized Process

Depending on your personal needs, I’ll hold you space intuitively and in a person-centered way that will be catered to your needs and offering exercises to stay engaged in your growth between sessions as well.

I utilise my HEARTFUL method with each client - every person is different, so is the process.

My main focus is to meet where you are at and support you where you want to be and intuitively, together we will carve the path for you to get there.

Energy Check-In Questionnaire and VIA Character Strength Questionnaire

I do these two assessments. Energy Check-In is a questionnaire I created to see where you have blockages when it comes to your energy.

Where energy is blocked - will affect your holistic wellbeing. This will give us guidance where we will need to put focus first.

VIA is a character strength questionnaire that is free where we will find out your core strenght profile and see how you can best action in in this next stage of your life.

Process Step-by-Step

Book 1:1 Introduction Call

In this call, we will get to know each other and see how my coaching could serve you on your path and personal situation.

Pick your coaching bundle

I sell 6-session or 10-session coaching bundles and you can decide which one is best for you.

Pay invoice and we start!

When Coaching Agreement is signed, I will send you invoice. Once that is completed, we will schedule our first sessions and begin!

“Individual coaching offers a safe space for you to feel what needs to be felt, to express what needs to be said without judgment. Coaching gives you time for you to connect to find those answers you need from within you. It gives you energy to take active role in your healing and courage to journey toward who you want to be and what you deserve. Coach is a mirror you need to see the truth within and find answers how to move forward.”

- Essi Auguste Virtanen

The Elements of My Coaching Method

Every coaching and healing journey is personal and that is how I approach every individual I work with. I practice what I preach. I approach each person intuitively from my heart, meeting them where they are at and utilizing my method below in a way that honors their journey.


Finding ways to connect and move in ways that supports your healing but optimizes your health holistically; physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.


Connecting with your emotional landscape to make sense of your experiences and find where in life can you find enthusiasm and therefore find most fulfillment.


Connecting with your emotional landscape to make sense of your experiences and find where in life can you find enthusiasm and therefore find most fulfillment.


Connecting with your heart means you tap into your resilient self and find the strength and answers within to keep going no matter what life throws at you.


Getting to a deeper sense of trust of your intuition, trusting others and trusting something higher.


Creating a vision for your life that is heartfully fulfilled and to really understand what fulfillment means to you.


Gaining overall understanding and self-awareness of yourself for continuous personal development.


Being able to live from the energy of love and be the love that you are - unconditionally.


Coaching is a life changing space that I want everyone to have access to.

Therefore, I offer a menu of pricing for leaders, professionals and special discounted prices for unemployed and students to meet your current circumstance of affordability and make coaching financially feasible for you.

Please get in touch for free discovery call and we can discuss the pricing that fits your situation.

Email: essiaugustevirtanen@gmail.com Phone: +44 777 6216300


HEARTFUL Group Coaching