Coaching Testimonials

“Finding the right coach can be a daunting task, especially when you're already an experienced coach and personally acquainted with many of the world’s top coaches. How do you choose the one who’s perfect for you?

I sought a heart-centered coach who would resonate with my spiritual perspective; someone who could listen intuitively and help me cut through the mental noise to truly connect with my essence, meaning, purpose, and authenticity.

I am so thankful I found Essi.

Our coaching sessions are a vibrant blend of energy, vision, clarity, laughter and deep conversations and challenges. I leave each session brimming with ideas and profound insights. I genuinely cannot recommend her highly enough. If you're looking to reach new depths of understanding and connect with your true heart-centred self, don't hesitate to book a session with Essi.”

— Carol Barton, Senior Leader, Spain

“Essi was my Life Coach and helped me through a very tough transition time in my life. I had just returned to NYC after a Sabbatical and reached out to her to set up coaching sessions.

She was so responsive and caring during the entire process and helped me to understand key issues in my heart and life that we worked on together as I navigated a really tough season!

I wholeheartedly recommend her as a Life Coach for anyone going through a tough time and who wants some fresh guidance from her ‘Heartful’ model of teaching!”

— Glen Collins, Executive Vice President, New York, USA

“I was introduced to Essi through work, with the view to help me flourish in my role. However, what ended up happening was a complete journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Essi has the instinctively organic ability to completely empathise with whatever you’re going through, connect the dots and ask the right questions at the right time. She allows the space to just be present and reflect. The activities she gave me, or did with me in our sessions, were uncomfortable but completely perfect for how I was feeling that week. As a result, I am so much more aware of myself and I feel at peace. So not only am I now in a space where I feel confident enough to regain control after feeling lost and going through so much change, but I was able to better manage my workload, bond with my team and gain more responsibility (which included a promotion!). I would not hesitate to reach out again for myself or any of my friends - thank you Essi!”

— Eleanor Russell, Epsom, UK

“Despite being an experienced writer, I was struggling to present myself and my skills in a coherent way during a career change. I contracted Essi for a few sessions to help me edit, but she did so much more than that. She drew upon her coaching skills to help me get out of my own way.

Her positivity is contagious -- not only convincing you that you can do anything, but also helping you figure out how to get there. I'd highly recommend working with Essi in any capacity.”

— Cheryl Ållebrand, Managing Consultant, London

“My coaching with Essi was a life changing experience and I mean that. Essi taught me the value of connection, something I hadn’t recognised before. She helped me understand the connection that exists between my heart and mind and how this can be used to better yourself. I learnt how to connect with my heart, mind and body in every day life which seriously improved my mood and mental state. This also has helped me make better decisions as I am now able to recognise which elements are most important for me. I was a chronic procrastinator and beat myself up for this - after working with Essi's patient, non-judgemental and caring approach I was able to overcome my internal blocks and this is no longer an issue for me, which has had a huge positive impact on my life. I can’t recommend her or thank her enough.”

— Ademayowa Fehintola, London, UK


“My journey with Essi has been insightful, powerful and extremely

positive. The past year and a half proved to be one of the toughest ever in

my life, and Essi’s coaching helped me regain control of my emotions.

Essi’s sessions were always inspiring and felt like a safe space to ask

questions and make deep dives to find answers. Coming out of a session,

I’d feel empowered and excited for the day, and it would set the tone for

the rest of the week which allowed me to stay in a positive mindset. I am s

o thankful for all the tools Essi has given me to ground myself, think

clearly and embrace my emotions to remain connected. It’s been such a

wonderful journey. The way I see things – and feel – has changed so

much in a year, and I don’t know where I would be without Essi’s

guidance. She’s not only an amazing coach, but a great friend. Always

supportive, patient and willing to listen without judgement. Essi’s

energy and smile is contagious, and you just always wish the session

never ended. Essi is certainly doing what she was born to do, and that is

such a blessing for everyone that knows her – and is about to know her!

Very thankful for her.”

— Merlina Leyva, San Francisco, USA


“2019 has so far proven to be one of the most challenging years for me. Despite what others might see from the outside, I truly felt lost, isolated and a tad bit scared of opening up to my present. I was holding on to my past for dear life, and lived with a sense of rejection towards my surroundings. Through her guidance, Essi helped me weave my own way out of that darker place and made me realize there was an entire dimension of things I was missing out on. She truly listened to what I had to say, and never judged me poorly for anything. She’s truly there to help you out if you allow yourself the opportunity to be coached. After about six sessions I can say without a doubt that my life has had a 180 change for the better. Essi helped me find the answers that were already inside of me and honestly, that’s better than magic.”

— Daniela Davila, Cali, Colombia


“Taking the plunge to message Essi was one of the best decisions I have made to this day. I had been following her for awhile on Instagram and was curious about coaching for awhile before I reached out. Since our very first coaching call, my life has done an almost complete 180. I finally gave myself that hour every two weeks just for myself and to work on things that I really wanted to work on without fear of judgement. No matter what it is that I want to talk about or work on, Essi is always up for it. Her energy is contagious and every session I leave filled with so much good energy and drive to get all my goals done. It doesn’t stop there though, the midweek checkups on how I am doing generally and with my goals is also a great way for me to keep myself accountable and to remember why I set those goals for myself. I look forward to our sessions and I have no intention of stopping them any time soon!”

— Brittny Williams, Missouri, USA


“Essi Auguste Virtanen has been my Coach for around half a year now. She has facilitated my personal growth and supported my own journey with the various questions I have had about my 'self', e.g. my identity, role confusions, confidence and insecurities I have experienced. The impact of every single coaching session with Essi has been vital in my own journey both as a human being and/or as a Holistic Life Coach. Not only she is a wonderful human being who listens, connects, empathises, supports, and responses to all of the subtle cues and questions I have about myself, but also she has enabled me to feel much more connected with myself and aligned with what I preach in my life. Essi's 'coaching way of being' as a unique, humanistic, transparent, safe and encouraging, has helped me to understand myself more fully; I have been able to connect with my authentic self better instead of the idealist view that I have had about myself.Essi facilitates and radiates the special energy and enthusiasm of hers to the people around her - the trust and openness between us have been vital for me and it has multiplied the impacts and meanings of our sessions. Essi is a star.”

— Sandra Suomela, London, UK


“Thank you Essi for creating a safe space that allowed for thoughts, questions and answers to surface with ease. After our session I felt clarity in potential new chapters in life. Essi helped me to dive deeper into thoughts about my current identity and future self. She reminded me the importance of following your heart and the journey from the mind to heart is beautiful one filled with boundless energy and heart filled connections. Essi is excited to be on the journey with you, wherever it leads you. Thank you Essi for sharing a heartfilled space.”

— Kathy Drummond, London, UK


“Essi’s coaching undoubtedly changed my life for the better. I felt overwhelmed by the future, unsure of which path to take and where my next step should be. Essi guided me through my own self-exploration; finding a clear direction and alleviating an insurmountable number of stresses that were hindering me from moving forward. She was able to help me set my own boundaries, explore future options, and set goals for my next step. Through these sessions with Essi, I have found inner peace, rekindled relationships and have found a new meaning to my life. I am forever grateful and excited for the future ahead!”

— Brianna Howard, Missouri, USA


“Before I started the coaching with Essi, I was feeling lost. I was wandering without the direction or purpose. From the very first meeting, Essi helped me to see my potential and made me think about what it really was that I wanted to achieve in this life. With a positive attitude and by asking the right questions, Essi pushed me to discover deeper into my soul and find the answers inside of me that I had have all along, but just couldn't find without the help. In summary, Essi helped me to find my direction, my purpose and I will be forever grateful. From now on, I will do everything to make my dreams come true. I could call Essi as a life saver.”

— Laura Kolari, Tahko, Finland


“This year I was struggling to find the next step in my life. I was not able to see on my own. The opportunity to have a coaching session with Essi was one of the best things that happened to me this year. This first session was amazing and she helped me so much. Essi made me understand that I can improve myself day by day and also remember the power of thankfulness. You’ve given me clarity and concrete tools. The change starts with small steps. One day at time! Essi is very empathic, kind and professional. One session has made a big difference for me, I am happy to continue with this! Again, thank you for this wonderful experience.”

— Karen Peña, Bogota, Colombia