Essi in a nutshell
I am originally from Finland, educated first in the US, then in the UK: BA in Journalism & MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. I am now pursuing my calling as a Coach, Speaker and Author using my personal experience, expertise in storytelling, positive psychology, evidence-based coaching and the Eastern philosophies of mindfulness and holistic wellness to help people to keep connecting and keep moving through life’s changes and transitions.
As a Connection & Belonging Coach, I am dedicated to helping you to connect and find a sense of belonging through life transitions to reconnect with who are now after what you’ve experienced not who you were conditioned to be in the past.
My mission stems from my own journey of witnessing closely the impact of widespread disconnection and loneliness that affects our society. I have dedicated my life to combat these challenges through personalised coaching and group work and events within my Connected You Community.
I am passionate about creating spaces where you can reconnect with yourself and others. Together, we can navigate your life's changes, heal from past experiences, and empower you to live your best life as your authentic self and change relationship with others and the world as a result, also.
Most of us have been taught how to block our feelings and intuition and big dreams. Whether you’re reconnecting with who you are or wanting to find your authentic self for the first time, I’m here to help.
I see you. I hear you. I’ve got you.
My story
In April 2017, everything changed. When I received a phone call that my brother had taken his own life, my entire world changed. It was a loss so big that I had only seen on television or in film. I have never experienced such heartbreak. It broke me and my family. Soon after when I someone I thought at the time was the love of my life ended our relationship, and I thought there is as much my heart can take.
However, like a whisper from the Universe I heard: “Keep connecting and keep moving.”
I just found any way I can connect to myself or others to help my broken heart and I just kept moving. I hired a personal trainer to not just keep me moving physically but to keep me going mentally. I needed someone to keep me motivated and showing up for myself because from within I was utterly broken down. I kept showing up for my CNN London internship and the gym but everything was a haze. I was clouded by depression and felt it was never going to end.
Healing takes time and it took me over 6 months to just make a decision, “no fucking more.” I am done feeling broken. I am done feeling depressed. I want to feel happy again and by small actions of connecting with myself by looking for small things to bring happiness in my life and by keeping my body and mind in motion, I eventually felt happiness in my heart again.
After this, while journalism and storytelling is what I enjoyed and enjoy still to this day. It was not enough. I did not only want to write stories about people we’ve lost or people who make a difference or share research on mental health issues among higher education students. It was not enough. I needed to do more.
I wanted to not only write stories, but I wanted to help people to write the story they want for themselves and if their story had some real adversity, pain and heartbreak, to see the blessing and power in all of that and find for them to keep connecting and moving through it all to become who they are meant to be.
So here I am. Using my expertise in communication and skills of intuitive coaching and positive psychology, I will hold space for you to to reconnect with yourself and find a sense of belonging in this world, just as you are authentically.
So, welcome on this journey to a heart-centered living where nothing can break you down, no not really, but it can break you open - if you face it, feel it to free it.
Heartfully, Essi