Connection Within Your Organisation

Creating more



in a remote working world

Is genuine connection getting lost in your team with endless Zoom meetings?

How are your people coping with the new hybrid work environment?

The more connection and belonging, the better people feel, and the greater success this will bring.

This is where I step in – dedicated to bringing your remote teams closer. Fostering greater engagement and purpose at work, and thus better performing teams, through tailored coaching, workshops, wellbeing sessions and motivational speaking.

Why does this matter?

54% of employees say a strong sense of community kept them at a company longer than was in their best interest.

86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures.

Highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability.

89% of HR leaders agree that ongoing peer feedback and check-ins are key for successful outcomes.

These 4 C’s will change your business.


We all yearn to feel connected with our own path in the organisation and what is our connection to the people around us and the team’s vision.


A great team is made through collaboration. The more your team taps into their different strengths and collaborates, the better your team will perform.


The better communication within your team, the better results with work and team dynamic. Communication is the game changer.


When your team feels like they belong and there is a sense of community, they are more likely to stay longer.

Team Connection Power Sessions

Wellbeing power sessions can be run online within lunch hour to decrease stress and mental health issues and increase engagement, energy and focus, and promote a sense of team connection, communication, collaboration and community.

Connect & Move Breaks

A great break on Zoom to give your team members a pause, where we will go through simple meditation, breathing exercises and movement exercises to get out of the head and back to the body. This will decrease stress and improve focus and energy levels - and also give a nice moment for your team to do something non-work related and fun.

In person Connect & Move team bonding events are also available upon request.

Time to Talk Sessions

As a Mental Health First Aider, I facilitate 30min sessions on mental health topics to facilitate conversation and educate your team about mental health and holistic wellbeing topics.

The more open communication you have, the more you create culture that is mental health conscious and supportive for your team to talk about not just physical illness, but also psychological and emotional wellbeing and offer support.

More Services for Organisations

  • Inspirational Speaking

    Stories connect us and one speech can change a life.

    I offer inspirational speaking in the power of connection, community and belonging in organisations to boost engagement and wellbeing.

  • Workshops

    Does your team feel low in engagement?

    Is morale low?

    Do you feel they need to collaborate more? Improve their teamwork?

    Feel sense of togetherness, feel seen and heard and connected as a team?

    My tailored workshops will target these questions and promote connection, community, collaboration and communication within your team.

  • Personalised Coaching

    Is your high-performing team member, manager or leader going through something in their life that affects their performance?

    Are you wanting to offer extra support outside work?

    This is where 1:1 coaching comes in.

    85% of employees say that an employer-funded coaching program shows them that their employer cares about them.

    75% agree that the value of executive coaching is greater than the money and time invested.

    70% of those who receive coaching improved their work performance

Let’s have a chat to discuss how I can help your organisation.

You can book a free connection call with me in the link below to discuss further how we can work together to increase sense of connection and belonging in your organisation.

Alternatively, you can email me:


“What can I say about Essi - other than how amazing she is!

Essi has been working with us as a company for several years (on contract/freelance basis), initially as Social Media and Marketing lead and attending with me/us several Market Research events here in the UK and also in Europe.

Over the year's Essi's role evolved due to her doing Master of Science - MS, Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (and getting of course Distinction!) and she became Wellbeing and work related coach for the team. She also did few times a year particular Team sessions which truly have been amazing and brought us as company/team even more close.

Being a small company and having an external Coach on monthly basis for the team has been absolutely amazing and we would hire Essi again without a doubt in the future!

Love her passion/empathy/bringing the best out of people/expertise on her field.

Katariina Hannelius, Managing Director

“I was introduced to Essi through my work’s well-being coaching scheme and overall it has been a valuable and positive experience. We had several monthly sessions with Essi focusing on ways I can maintain a work-life balance being a working mum and helping me structure my vision for my life and career.

I found our sessions incredibly helpful as I felt this was dedicated time for me to reflect on myself, my work and my well-being. Essi has been very understanding and compassionate, with a natural flair to engage, making me feel at ease to express my views in a trusted environment.

I would highly recommend Essi as a coach, because not only is she a genuinely lovely person but also she is a true professional, passionate about her work and with a desire to help and positive contribute in people’s well-being. Thank you Essi for your time, for always welcoming me with a warm smile and for the truly heartfelt and honest discussions we had during our sessions.”

Maria Parsons-Karavassilis, Insight Talent Consultant & Training Manager