Hey, I’m


I’m a Connection & Belonging Coach.

Coaching you through life and career transitions to live a life that belongs to you by courageously following your heart

Let's find your sense of belonging together!

Are you going through any of these transitions?

  • Are you going through a life transition?

  • Have you just experienced an ending of a relationship?

  • Are you moving to another country?

  • Are you going through a career change? 

  • Are you or your child going to university and needing support to prepare?

  • Are you graduating and wondering what’s next?

  • Are you starting a new project or business venture and need to ground the project in who you are?

  • Are you in the middle of a mess and need to find clarity in it?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I can help.

My Services

  • Individual Coaching: "Connect to Self"

    Personalized 1:1 coaching sessions to help you reconnect with your true self and navigate life's transitions.

  • Group Coaching: "Connect with Self and Others"

    Group coaching and mentoring to foster connections and share experiences with like-minded individuals.

  • Community Engagement: "Connect with Others"

    Join our Connected You Community to build authentic connections and support each other through various activities and clubs.

  • Workshops and Speaking for Organisations: "Connect together"

    Inquire me to host a workshop, wellbeing sessions or speaking engagement to promote connection, belonging and wellbeing in your organisation.



“2019 has so far proven to be one of the most challenging years for me. Despite what others might see from the outside, I truly felt lost, isolated and a tad bit scared of opening up to my present. I was holding on to my past for dear life, and lived with a sense of rejection towards my surroundings. Through her guidance, Essi helped me weave my own way out of that darker place and made me realize there was an entire dimension of things I was missing out on. She truly listened to what I had to say, and never judged me poorly for anything. She’s truly there to help you out if you allow yourself the opportunity to be coached. After about six sessions I can say without a doubt that my life has had a 180 change for the better. Essi helped me find the answers that were already inside of me and honestly, that’s better than magic.”

— Daniela Davila, Cali, Colombia

“Before I started the coaching with Essi, I was feeling lost. I was wandering without the direction or purpose. From the very first meeting, Essi helped me to see my potential and made me think about what it really was that I wanted to achieve in this life. With a positive attitude and by asking the right questions, Essi pushed me to discover deeper into my soul and find the answers inside of me that I had have all along, but just couldn't find without the help. In summary, Essi helped me to find my direction, my purpose and I will be forever grateful. From now on, I will do everything to make my dreams come true. I could call Essi as a life saver.”

— Laura Kolari, Tahko, Finland

“Taking the plunge to message Essi was one of the best decisions I have made to this day. I had been following her for awhile on Instagram and was curious about coaching for awhile before I reached out. Since our very first coaching call, my life has done an almost complete 180. I finally gave myself that hour every two weeks just for myself and to work on things that I really wanted to work on without fear of judgement. No matter what it is that I want to talk about or work on, Essi is always up for it. Her energy is contagious and every session I leave filled with so much good energy and drive to get all my goals done. It doesn’t stop there though, the midweek checkups on how I am doing generally and with my goals is also a great way for me to keep myself accountable and to remember why I set those goals for myself.”

— Brittny Williams, Missouri, USA

My Debut Book HEARTFUL is out now and available on Amazon globally.

“Heartfulness means living from your heart, being your whole self in united oneness and interconnectedness in self, others, the world and something higher. Heartfulness is embodied courage of listening and actioning on your intuition - also called as the callings of your heart.”

HEARTFUL: Embracing the courageous journey to live a heart-led life through the power of connection is Essi Auguste Virtanen’s debut book about her personal philosophy and method of holding space for others to live a heartful life.

Meet your coach, Essi

As a Connection & Belonging Coach, I am dedicated to helping you to connect and find a sense of belonging through life transitions to reconnect with who are now after what you’ve experienced not who you were conditioned to be in the past.

My mission stems from my own journey of witnessing closely the impact of widespread disconnection and loneliness that affects our society.

I am driven to combat these challenges through personalised coaching and group work and events within my Connected You Community.

I am passionate about creating spaces where you can reconnect with yourself and others. Together, we can navigate your life's changes, heal from past experiences, and empower you to live your best life as your authentic self and change relationship with others and the world as a result, also.

Most of us have been taught how to block our feelings and intuition and big dreams. Whether you’re reconnecting with who you are or wanting to find your authentic self for the first time, I’m here to help. 

I see you. I hear you. I’ve got you. 

Want to chat?

Contact me.